About Us

We have a diverse membership from 9 years old to well past retirement.35478704_533734873690357_2882783788536954880_o

The club is a target archery club and members shoot compound, recurve, barebow and longbow.

The club regularly shoots each week. See Shooting Times and Venues for more information.


Membership Fees are payable in the first week of September following the AGM.

The membership fees that are collected are shared between the club and the following bodies:

  • Archery GB (Grand National Archery Society) is the governing body of the sport in the UK. They provide an administrative function and cover clubs and archers with insurance. All GNAS members receive the society’s magazine Archery UK four times a year.
  • The Welsh Archery Association represents our region on GNAS Committees. The WAA organises competitions in various archery disciplines and holds regular meetings to discuss issues affecting clubs and archers.
  • Glamorgan Archery Association has its committee made up of members from different clubs within the County. Its role is not dissimilar to that of the WAA covering the same issues at a more local level.
  • World Archery Association (formerly FITA) is the governing body of Archery throughout the world.

Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy Statement

Neath Archers aim to create an enjoyable environment for all juniors who wish to take part in archery and the social activities within the club.

Neath Archers believes that when dealing with children and vulnerable adults, their welfare should always be of paramount importance. We are committed to providing an environment where young people can learn and participate free from harassment and abuse. All club members and those people working with children have a moral responsibility to safeguard and promote a child’s welfare. This club has therefore adopted the Archery GB Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults policy to ensure peace of mind for both adults and children.



Code of Conduct

Neath Archers code of conduct 2017

H&S For Outdoor Range

H&S for outdoor range